NaturalHealth Choice®

Colonic hydrotherapy

Closed system colon cleanse

What is Colonic
Colon irrigation (colon hydrotherapy, colonic) is a method of removing waste from the large intestine. By introducing filtered and temperature-regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis and gravity. Today, sophisticated technology promotes both the safety and sanitation of this old popular cleansing practice.

Indications for colon irrigation
Constipation, diarrhea, atonic colon (flaccid colon), abdominal distension/ flatulence, bowel training (paraplegics & quadriplegics), following pregnancy, hemorrhoids (mild to moderate), IBS, intestinal toxemia, preparation for sigmoidoscopy & colonoscopy, spastic colon, diverticulosis.
Colon irrigation benefits
Strengthens peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity in the colon; promotes a return of normal, regular bowel movements; colon returns to its natural shape and function ability; hydrates the body; reduces the toxic load on lungs, liver, kidney and skin; improves skin tone; increases energy level, improves sleep, mood and more.
What is a closed system colon irrigation session like
A session is a comfortable experience for most people, however, if discomfort is experienced, the session can be stopped at any time. Your medical history will be discussed prior to the session. During treatment the client lies on a treatment table and is covered with a sheet. A small disposable speculum from the irrigation equipment is lubricated and gently inserted into the rectum, through which warm filtered water passes into the colon.
A colon therapist will use several fills (a small amount of water flows into the colon, gently stimulating the colon's natural peristaltic action to release softened waste) and releases (the dislodged fecal impactions are gently washed away through the system waste hose) of water, incorporates abdominal massage technique, reflexology and breathing instructions to dislodge toxic waste matter adhering to the walls of the colon.
In our treatments we use only clean filtered water and do not add coffee, herbs, minerals etc. Each colon irrigation session lasts 35 to 45 minutes. One should allow at least 1 hour per office visit.
CLOSED vs OPEN SYSTEM - comparison (link)
Caution & Recommendations
Colon irrigation may not be for everyone. It is an intervention in the body's functions which should be done cautiously and when medically necessary.
People with certain acute conditions, such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, severe hemorrhoids and intestinal tumors should not have colonic. People with congestive heart disease, severe hypertension, severe anemia, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease and severe abdominal hernia also should not have colonic. Pregnant women should not have colonic treatment as it may stimulate uterine contractions.

Serving Gainesville | Alachua | Newberry | Archer | The Villages | Micanopy | Waldo | Hawthorne | High Springs | Citra | Williston | Keystone Heights

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1209 NW 12th Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601

Office hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm

By appointment only

call for appointment:
(352) 378-8002